The era of electronics is evolving but still basically using the same ideas in an advanced way. Almost all of the Electronic and electrical systems and devices supplied by JAFREX Systems, are own made by the experienced electronics engineers with in our workshop. The whole process from circuit design, circuit simulation, PCB development, PCB etching to the final soldered circuit, is done within JAFREX Systems at a high quality level.
Electronics Design & Prototyping
We have good experience in electronics field. We design, implement and supply custom Electronic controller boards, equipments and machines, electrical systems and devices, to give the best suitable solution to your project requirement. We also provide prototyping services, project casing etc. See some sample PCB Designs.
Internet of Things (IoT)
Of all the technology trends that are taking place right now, perhaps the biggest one is the Internet of Things. It's the one thats going to give us the most disruption as well as the most opportunity over the next five years. As a great tech company, JAFREX Systems is immersed in this technology and hence conducting IoT projects.
Electrical Systems
Our advanced systems are capable of running, controlling and monitoring all industrial equipments based on ratings and requirements, for custom designs we do our best to comply with all electrical standards
Electrical appliances
We provide service and periodic maintenance of electric equipments to achieve proper operations and assured longevity.